It’s been a very long time since I’ve written about the BDSM community. Many years ago, when I moved to Los Angeles and began my journey of pursuing a more empowered sex positive life, most of that journey centered around entering the BDSM community. As a person who experienced a lot of exploitation, sexual violence, and bigotry, navigating this community was incredibly daunting to me at first and if you’ve paid attention to my journey, you will remember some of the stories I’ve told that will be repeated here. I used to feel like these conversations were things I would keep in the dark forever, but naturally, as kink became a huge part of social life and network, it became a subject I blogged about. When I came into the BDSM scene, there were several people who took advantage of my ignorance and all of the positive things I can say about BDSM, are unfortunately sabotaged by the reality of the offline community around BDSM.

Typically, when I’ve written about the scene, I have gone the extra mile to conceal names and identifying info. When it comes to this particular issue, the reason I am not going to do that is because the people I’m going to name have worked incredibly hard to silence me. They’ve effectively rallied people at Fetlife to remove each post I’ve made trying to draw attention to these issues. For that reason, I am going to plainly name the people involved in this issue and I will do so with absolutely no regret, nor shame. They could have chosen to let my posts remain internal, but instead they want to make it so that the information is impossible to find. I will not be silenced.

Serenity Studios

When I came into the BDSM community, I was getting out of a 6 year, very vanilla, very heteronormative relationship. Before then, I had participated for years in the swing community. The week I turned 18, I went to a swinger club with a much much older Dom. It was very maladjusted, but part of why it was interesting to me was I desired a connection to a community that was more sex positive than the one I was raised in. I met people who I thought were my friends and it would take me too long to process that they were, in one way or another, taking advantage of me. At that phase of my life, I did not really have a sense of who I was and a lot of people took advantage of me being in a hypersexual state post grooming and abuse. I don’t really blame anyone for this, but long story short, I was traumatized and that’s why I tried real hard to pretend I was vanilla. I was not; that along with other things is ultimately why I ended my relationship and became primarily focused on connecting with the BDSM community.

I was living in Orange County at the time and back then, there was a little dungeon called Dragonsgate. Dragonsgate was my very first BDSM dungeon and it was the way I connected with some people who are still within my kink circle. At Dragongate, I would meet the first person who’d ever give me bottom space. At the time, they went by the moniker Sir Pent. Pent was, at the time, your prototypical dominant who, especially to a newbie, seemed like one of the better people to play with. Pent and I had exchanged passing flirtation, but I was very hesitant to play with people when I first came into the scene. My early days in the BDSM dungeon were mostly me crossing my arms behind my back and watching other people play. But Pent made me incredibly curious. We had passing flirtation and it wouldn’t eventually become play until they were working an event at a dungeon called Sanctuary Studios called Awakening. Pent was working paddles on the night I visited Awakening for the first time. Awakening is essentially a BDSM taste testing event. It still happens today and I think it’s a really great event for newbies. However, one of Pent’s main fetishes, as I would later learn was newbies. When they gave me a taste of their paddles, they gave me a bit more than they gave other people. I didn’t know it at the time, but they managed to get me into “bottomspace”. If you’ve never done BDSM, bottomspace is hard to describe. It’s almost like that feeling you get after an intense work out. Where you feel good, accomplished and like you overcame something that was challenging, but enjoyable. For a lot of bottoms, it puts them in a very loopy and suggestible headspace. I didn’t really understand that ths was what I was experiencing, as a newbie. I wandered around the club like a lost puppy and naturally other dominants found me, were interested in playing with me so I agreed and did so. What I didn’t understand about Pent at the time, was he was a bit possessive. After our scene, he privately contacted me on Fetlife while we were still at the event and privately, sneakily slipped me his phone number. Using Pent’s phone number, I shared what happened with them the next day. They were so turned off that I had bottomed for other people that they said to me “It seems like you get around”; essentially slut shaming me after my first few experiences bottoming for someone. It took me a lot to get to the point where I went to a dungeon and let someone spank me, but here I was immediately feeling all the guilt and shame I was trying to get away from. Being a newbie, this was very confusing. Pent was the kind of Dom who wanted to be the only man in the lives of their submissives. They had many submissives who all only bottomed for them and that was the dynamic they were in at the time. They were interested in me and we had many conversations about how if I bottomed for them, I couldn’t bottom for other people. Keep in mind, I was new and this was being presented to me as the gold standard. But I wasn’t their submissive. I wasn’t their bottom. I was just some girl they liked that they spanked at a newbies event. Still, because they pursued me and what I didn’t know at the time was this was a violation of an agreement they had made with their primary partner at the time. They were trying to cheat on them with me. That’s why Pent was so secretive about giving me their number. 

After Pent said what they said to me, I asked around about whether or not it was normal, and I found out pretty quickly that it wasn’t. I’ve always kept a journal on Fetlife about my kink journey and I wrote something very indirectly describing them and what happened. No real names, just nicknames and loose inferences. This post would apparently really piss off Pent and his partner at the time, who would cal my phone several times begging for me to remove the post. When I finally did get them on the phone, they threatened to blackball me entirely from the community if I did not remove the post. Pent said to me that Mistress Cyan, owner of Sanctuary Studios, would ban me from every upcoming event unless I removed the post. This was complete bullshit, but I was new and I figured this more experienced person with power quite genuinely had the ability to blackball me entirely from the scene because I wrote about them slut shaming me vaguely on my page. So I eventually did remove the post. That was my first time being silenced about abuse in the scene.

The longer I was in the scene, the more I realized how much Pent relied on my ignorance in order to manipulate me. This was a person who immediately wanted to define BDSM for me. They immediately gave me a false impression of what was “real” BDSM was and they were incredibly deceptive in their pursuit of me. This was my FIRST experience in the BDSM scene. The first person to ever give me bottom space, who didn’t follow up with aftercare, shamed me for bottoming for other people. I learned very quickly in this scenario that people in power at dungeons are willing to use their power to silence people. 

Pent would go on to open up their own extension of Sanctuary studios that got shut down because they were listing it as a photography studio when it wasn’t. Eventually, with more organization and resources, they opened up their own dungeon in Riverside called Serenity Studios. It’s been many years since I had my experience with them and while I’m inclined to believe that people change and on the scale of bad, I suppose my experience could have been worse, unfortunately it seems like some of that behavior hasn’t changed. There’s alittle over a dozen of us in the scene who can say they’ve been mistreated by Pent. And knowing what I know, it’s impossible for me not to imagine an abuse of power.Mistress Cyan is certainly not the sort of person who’d ban me from the space because of a post I made online. That was purely Pent attempting to use his proximity to an authority figure to scare me into silence. It was deliberately manipulative. I can very easily imagine them wielding power in an abusive way at Serenity. So when the dungeon opened, I spoke out about my experience. Which is how I connected with their other victims. My experience is like a mild annoyance compared to theirs. What bothers me about all of this is it sharply contrasts with my initial image of the BDSM community. 

When I first came into this scene, I did so with the assumption that it was safe. That’s what people told me. That it was a place where rules were standardized and people would try their best to make sure that everything and everyone is safe. As a newbie, it’s so easy to give a lot of legitimacy to dungeons simply because they are dungeons. However, the longer you’re around the more you realize that many of the people in these dungeons are unsafe. You realize that ego and tribalism often override the desire to maintain a safe space for kink. People are less likely to believe that their friends could potentially violate someone’s consent. You start to notice the very selective way in which consent violations are addressed. Pent was a DM at sanctuary  for years. I wasn’t the only person they hurt. There were a lot of people who were negatively impacted by them. In our own negotiations before the shit hit the fan, they essentially communicated to me that if I were a real submissive, I would let them do whatever he wanted to do to me even if it violated my gender dysphoria or made me uncomfortable. That really messed with my head and his way of introducing me to BDSM really negatively impacted my views. Some people organize in the BDSM community purely so they can standardize a type of abuse that flatters them. 

Since having my experience with Pent, a lot of things have changed. I don’t speak about this very much for reasons I’ll get into, but within the Los Angeles BDSM scene, I’ve become a somewhat prolific munch organizer. I organize a group called LA Kinky Weirdos and host a munch every month in silverlake towards the end of the month. We’ve thrown several play parties that were all entirely for charity. Together with the support of 910 Weho, a dungeon in West Hollywood, we’ve raised over 10k for the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center. Each of our events featured queer vendors and performers. I made absolutely no money and that’s the only context where i feel comfortable organizing something. In my observation, the biggest enemy of safety in the BDSM scene is money. Money makes it so that we have to open up our spaces to people who aren’t safe and it means we have to placate the status quo. Money plus ego is even worse. So many people organize events to get laid or to flatter themselves. There are probably people reading this right now who are familiar with LA Kinky Weirdos but had no idea I was the person behind it. That is by design. It’s not about me, nor is it about my friends. LA Kinky Weirdos is my attempt at doing SOMETHING to build a community and network of kinksters. I want people to meet and connect with enough people who can tell them that the shit Pent tried to do to me isn’t ok. I wanted people to have a more pleasant introduction to BDSM. I already feel kinda alienated within the scene as a black trans woman so I especially don’t organize my events around finding partners none of it’s about that.

For all the reasons above, I have discovered that in comparison to other groups, I tend to be a lot more severe when it comes to how I handle bad players. I’m sure I’m not 100% correct about this, but my attitude is if I find out you’re a consent violator, I just remove you entirely. I ban you from my space and the events we host. That said, my standard for that is kinda high. If I ban someone for consent violations, we typically really want to know what it’s about. We also want to know that it’s actually true. So we try to conduct an investigation internally before we decide to ban someone. As we are not a dungeon and at this point only organize a munch, I feel we get away with this a bit more. I understand why other spaces aren’t as harsh, but I know the women and queer people within my group appreciate when I ask a person who’s been dangerous to leave and never return.

Unfortunately, when you spend so much time fielding accusations, you start to recognize a pattern within some of them. It’s not uncommon for accusations to only come up after a break up, for example. Sometimes two people have very different approaches to BDSM and they rush into play prematurely and hurt each other. Other times i’ve discovered that people will trigger each other and then one person will be transformed into a predator purely for that reason. I never want to invalidate someone’s experience, but before removing someone, I want to know that they are truly dangerous. That they’re the type of person who should not have access to these spaces where they can hurt more people. So if I remove someone, it’s usually for that reason. However, some of those people I’ve removed have not only found comfort in other spaces, but also power and influence. For example, I removed a former DM of mine for violating someone’s consent and they were still able to work as a DM for Threshold. The pictures I received of the victim were incredibly concerning. I couldn’t believe he’d hurt someone that much without their consent. Because this person went through a “restorative justice” session, with Threshold, they were reinstated as a DM so they could feasibly watch over the scenes of their victim playing with a new partner. I can understand not wanting to excommunicate someone from your space, but what I don’t understand is giving them back the same exact power the’ve abused. I know from my own work sorting through these issues that usually the people causing issues are a minority, but having that one person will discourage dozens from attending. But these people aren’t usually removed because they are useful.

This past week, I saw that person I removed from my community for really badly hurting someone lead the charge against someone who seems to also have done some questionable things, but not to the same degree. Watching him rally against a consent violator having power, while he left someone with scars they didn’t ask for, really draw my attention to the fact that much of the concern certain front facing organizations have around consent violations is self serving. On top of that, unfortunately, being in the position I’m in, I have seen people falsely accuse others in order to make a sort of political move within the scene. Often times what this looks like is mentioning something intentionally vague and allowing people to fill in the blanks and make up a story in their mind. And of course most people’s minds are going to go to the worst place when you say “consent violator”. When we remove someone, we don’t need for it to be a huge performance. We keep everyone informed of what’s going on and make a point of always being there to answer questions about bad actors, but it isn’t a humiliation ritual. Keep in mind, I don’t host play events anymore and I don’t earn money from my munch aside from the occasional tip. So when I call people out, it’s not so that they come to my party. It’s not so that they give me more money or join my group. It’s purely from a place of wanting people to be safe. Unfortunately, some people realy only think about money. 

Dark Magic Society and Robin’s Sexual Assault

When I first came into the community, I heard about a swinky (swing and kink) group  called Dark Magic Society. It was one of the first groups I was introduced to when I moved to Los Angeles. I’d heard a lot of good things about it, many people even describing it as a “family”. They conducted interviews that, if passed, would allow you to have a membership and officially join their group. The creator/organizer, Robin, was able to personally interview every single member herself along with her co-organizer Todd. Transparently, seeing her do this was inspiring to me and it likely inspired me to do some of what I’m doing now.

However, I wouldn’t meet Robin personally until I started going to the Sherman Oaks Munch many years ago, before I even played with Pent. Back then, I was new to the scene in a newer phase of life. Like I said, I’d been through some shit and I figured DMS was a way of potentially trying to reconnect with swing in a more empowered part of my life. But I never really had time to do the required interview, but at a certain point, it seemed like Robin liked me enough, and over the years we’d interacted enough to where she very clearly cared less and less about me going through the process.

Dark Magic Society’s reputation was more impressive than Robin.

Robin was… constantly drunk. In all the years I’ve interacted with her, I think I’ve probably only seen her sober a few times. Whenever I saw her at the Sherman Oaks Munch, she was always very forward, very pushy, very indifferent to my boundaries. Transparently, I started to develop a bit of anxiety around going to the Sherman Oaks Munch and interacting with her because she was so incredibly pushy. I would write these posts on Fetlife about how I didn’t appreciate being touched by anyone, but especially by women, and she would like to interact with them. Even sending me messages very ironically supporting what I was saying. Since she’s a drunk, I basically always blamed her boundary crossing as an aspect of that.

There was a moment where I was connecting with this British man. A diver with a home in Mid City. There were certain types of play I was interested in exploring and he invited me to his home during a party he was hosting for Robin. At a certain point at this party, I was naked, walking around the house as everyone else was and when I met Robin in the kitchen, speaking to her and others in passing, she decided to grope me. This really bothered me because I know that she read, responded to and even had conversation with me about how much I don’t like being touched, especially by women and yet she did it anyways. Mind you, a huge aspect of my trauma relates to people very habitually dehumanizing me in moments like this. I get the impression often that people view my black trans body as incapable of having boundaries or saying no. People have this very habitual way.of violating my personal space, white women especially. There’s this sense of familiarity white women often assume with me that feels like they’re placing me in a pet-like position and deciding that I don’t get to have boundaries around being touched because I am perpetually beneath them. I’ve become very used to dismissing women who violate my consent, but it bothered me in this instance because I’m generally able to have that stupid thought in the back of my head that maybe, just maybe they didn’t mean it that way. But she interacted with my posts about it and then decided to violate me knowing it’s not what I wanted. Touching me on its own is bad, but it was made worse by the fact that she was seemingly aware that this was an anxiety of mine.

Transparently, I sometimes feel like I am being homophobic when I have the sharply negative reaction to women touching me. At the Sherman Oaks Munch, I wondered if I should be okay with how much she pushes herself onto me if I’m going to be a more sex-positive person. I also recognized that Robin likely struggles with an addiction and for that reason, maybe isn’t always super aware of what she’s doing. I’m constantly defaulting to that. So even though she sexually assaulted me, on paper I made a ton of excuses for it. Maybe my response is homophobic; maybe I deserved it because my tits were out, or maybe she’s too drunk to realize what she’s doing. I don’t know. Women have sexually assaulted me several times in my life and I’m always made to feel like it should impact me less than the men who’ve sexually assaulted me
Because I am a munch host who meets a lot of newbies, I make a point of being aware of the scene and what’s going on so that I can advise people. With time, I saw that DMS was only good because of how great the attendees were. Robin is an almost entirely negative experience and many people within the scene have clashed with her. Aside from sexually assaulting me, there are other reasons I’ve historically been concerned about her events.

The Nazis and the Kids

There were two instances of bad decisions that I’ve called Robin out for and I’ll let you tell me whether or not they’re justified. I respect that my sensibilities aren’t everyone’s.

First issue was DMS had a villains vs heroes event and someone decided to show up in full Nazi regalia. The owner renting to Robin is the son of Holocaust survivors, and as a person who’s thrown events there, I know his FIRST rule is against race play. Apparently she did not read the rules and got very angry with the owner for being upset that someone in nazi regalia showed up to their venue. Now, I hear all the arguments for why some wouldn’t see this as a huge deal, and as an organizer I definitely understand that sometimes you can’t act as quickly as you’d like, but Robin was, of course, wasted at the time and could not act. Affter the fact, her minions would go on to defend the person who showed up in Nazi regalia all over Fetlife. To me, there’s a distinct difference between being slow to respond and low-key endorsing the behavior. Sorry but, to me, anything less that outright condemnation against Nazism makes you complicit. The proper response would be a sober one and it would not at any point offer sympathy towards the people cosplaying fascism. If you want to do nazi play, do it in the appropriate context around people who consent. I don’t want to hear about why its not actual nazism; that doesn’t matter. The dungeon had strict rules against it and if Dark Magic Society is going to present themselves as an inclusive event, then it makes sense for people to take issue with their light defense of Nazi play. Naturally, as a person whose munch is very colorful, queer, and diverse, when people tell me they’re interested in going to DMS, I mention the Nazis. Why shouldn’t I?

Second issue is a man who was once part of our group, who was married to a woman in our group was in the midst of a divorce. DMS was throwing a sex pool party later in the day and apparently earlier in the day, they also had a children’s pool party and between the kids pool party and the sex party, Robin allowed the ex-husband to bring their child to the venue of their sex party. Now, this is just a home with a pool and the child was not exposed and there’s a lot of arguments for why drawing attention to that is kinda silly, and I do understand that. However, what I had received was simply that the husband was taking the child to the venue and I spoke about how that made me uncomfortable. While I understand why many wouldn’t care about this, to me, it was very concerning that no red flags went off at any point in Robin’s mind. This is a dicey case where the mom very clearly does not want the child to be swimming at that venue. Even if we exclude the sex party aspect of it, that’s still something to be concerned with because he’s actively taking the child somewhere his mother isn’t comfortable with and I just don’t exactly understand why any of those things even had to happen to begin with. So it’s not like I don’t understand the point by point reasons why this wouldn’t be a big deal to someone, to me, it was just an example of a bad choice that could have been avoided. We should want children far away from this scene and the mother was right to be concerned about it, even if the kid wasn’t ultimately exposed to anything. In retrospect, I could have not said anything about that, and probably shouldn’t have, but it’s something that concerned me. I never want to stop being vigilant around kids at this scene.

Robin Defends Pent, By Falsely Accusing Me

Recently Dom Con happened in Los Angeles and Sir Pent, now Madame Pent, was in attendance. This reinvigorated the conversation around what they’ve done and someone reached out to Robin to inform her about it. My post about it is one of the most prominent on Fetlife and because she doesn’t like me for calling her out, she decided to respond to this message calling me a liar and describing me as “one of the scene’s biggest consent violators”.

So a person who’s sexually assaulted me is accusing me of sexual assault. Not only that, she’s saying Im one of the BIGGEST consent violators in the scene and the context of that is her defending a consent violator who now owns a dungeon who’s harmed many people over the years.

I cannot stress to you how much I immediately regret not making a bigger deal of her assaulting me after I read that. How fucking dare she. If Robin were being honest, she’d say that the few times I’ve come to her event, I’ve never played. In fact, she can only say I’ve played at that one event where she sexually assaulted me. Anyone who knows me in the scene knows that I don’t typically play with ANYONE because of how deeply traumatized I am. I am very scared of opening myself up. I historically let people approach me and unfortunately I can say that pretty much every person I’ve bottomed for has some sort of accusation against them. I feel pretty paralyzed in the scene not just because of trauma but because of my job. I am worried about sharing intimacy with people who are just trying to get close to me for clout-y reasons. One of the only people anyone can say they’ve seen me bottom for was a person who kinda did that. When it comes to Pent, there are a lot of witnesses to what he did to me and a lot of people who remember when it happened. Okay so you don’t like me because I’ve called you out, that doesn’t make me a consent violator.

Robin is making a very boldly false accusation against me, not because they want to keep the community safe, but because she does not want for me to cut into her bottomline. She threatened to sue me for damages to her business. THAT is what she cares more about than anything. What’s crazy is now that I know what I know, I’m aware of the fact that there are SO MANY people who are regulars at her events who are dangerous people. One of her besties who continues to pursue me, just got arrested for domestic violence. The man who took the kid to her pool party was abusive towards his ex. She surrounds herself with people who have harmed others and now she’s spreading a bold face lie about me being a consent violator; not to protect anyone, but because she doesn’t like me.

As a rape survior, its honestly really distressing seeing the way that people utilize the experiences of survivors to get a certain response from the scene. I hate to acknowledge and even support the idea that false accusations occur, but they absolutely do. People DO exaggerate about the facts of what happened, not because someone is dangerous, but because they want to remove them from the scene. In the recent incident we had to look into, there were aspects of the accusations made against someone that, to us, felt like they may be that. We were concerned that people were trying to rally together to remove someone from the scene because of personal conflict. And seeing people I know personally to be consent violators advocating for a punishment they never received for the greater degree of harm they caused just made it pretty clear to me that protecting victims was not the top priority. Something else was.

Maybe I really don’t get it because, frankly, I don’t care very deeply about “clout” in the scene. Maybe it’s the context in which I entered the scene. I live a life that is more open than most and I have passion, so I dedicate myself to holding space for people in the scene. If anything, the only real thing I get from it is feeling like I have a ton of kinky friends. That fulfills me and is enough for me. For Robin and Pent this is a business. Drawing attention to their misdeeds cuts into their business. Both Robin and Pent were people that were attracted to me and mistreated me for not reciprocating their feelings. Both of them did what they did not anticipating that I would develop into the person I currently am. They rely on silence and since I’ve known them, they have repeatedly attempted to silence me for speaking about what they’ve done to me.

Why I’m Posting About This Here

This should not be such a common experience in the BDSM community, but it is. And the only reason why I’m posting this to my website is because I have exhausted almost every other form of communication. Robin made a point of getting all of my posts about her that don’t name her explicitly removed. So i’m going keep this one on my website where it will reach much more people outside of the LA community. I wanted to just make a few few posts for the people who’d actually need to see this information. For the people who are actually in this community I had no intention of directing that amount of attention on the scene. If Pent and Robin had not expended so much effort to remove the posts I made in the appropriate channels, I’d feel less inclined to use my larger platforms that they cannot silence.

Because both Pent and Robin create spaces for newbies, I feel like it’s very important for SOMEONE to say that they are not safe. I thought I was alone in my experiences with them until I started openly speaking about those experiences. Since making my previous posts, I’ve received many messages about Robins abusive behavior. Much of it making references to her daughter, who apparently attends her events from time to time. A lot of the stories were just her being sexually forward and pushy with complete strangers. One story I received described her grabbing a woman by her hair without her consent and forcing her to the ground. I have kept silent about this woman for far too long. I’ve tried to privately warn people about it, but every month I have people who come to my event and mention their interest in going. As a person who tries to be inclusive, the nazi shit was very concerning to me. The most concerning. More concerning to me than what she did to me, but I think that’s because I’m used to minimizing the harm people do directly to me. Let’s take everything else I said out of the equation: if I heard that an organizer defended someone in nazi gear at their event, I’d lose all desire to party with those people. When that incident happened, I still told people to make up their minds for themselves. Now seeing her spreading lies about me that are objectively untrue has made me regret offering that nuanced view of her actions.

She is relying very heavily on racism and transphobic bias that eagerly believes that black transgender women are somehow predisposed to sexual violence. Everyone who has observed me in the scene knows that I am incredibly hesitant to play with new people. I haven’t had a new BDSM partner in a very long time. Very few people in the scene can say they’ve seen me play, let alone know who I’ve played with. People would describe me as confident, they would not describe me as forward, or aggressive or deceptive. Those who do, are typically responding to their own discomfort. I am very paranoid about connecting with people and require a ton of reassurance from people I share intimacy with because of trauma. I know that her lies will not outdo the work that I’ve done, but I am frankly flabbergasted by the degree of audacity she has. People like Robin are used to never quite seeing a consequence to their actions.

If you’ve followed my discussions about BDSM, you’ll know that I’ve mentioned these stories in those discussions. I’ve made several videos over the years that reference the many things that i’m sharing here without saying the names of those involved. I’m thankful for my habit of documenting my growth in the scene because I learned a lot from these experiences and I frankly just want for more people to know that some of these groups don’t have your best interest at heart. You will be discarded if one of their friends assaults you or if they leaders have an interest in you and it’s not reciprocal. While I definitely believe that people can change, I am very confident that these people have not changed as both Pent and Robin work over time to protect their businesses from people who they’ve used their power to harm. At a certain point, both of them had the ability to make the right decisions, but refused to do so. They are poor leaders who rely quite seriously on you either not knowing any better or being indifferent enough to them doing wrong that you don’t make a fuss. Standing up against Robin has been hard mostly because of the cult around her. At the end of the day, she’s upset with me because i warned people about her defense of nazism and indifference to child safety. And she feels that way, AFTER she assaulted me. I haven’t spoken openly about her assault, but now I have no problems doing it. I would have liked to have kept this not as public as this, but Robin forced my hand. I refuse to be silent. 

2 responses to “Serenity Studios + Dark Magic Society: Nazis, Manipulation, Kids and The Handsy Drunk Who Calls The Shots”

  1. Lars Brandewie Avatar
    Lars Brandewie

    I’m sorry you’ve had to do this but I hear you, and they won’t be able to silence you here. Finest regards.

    -@MisterLarsLA on fet


  2. Thank you so much for speaking out. I’m a newbie whose only experience has been alone with my partner, I’ve been wanting to start going to more events but not in a huge hotspot for it. I had Considered going to participate in the BDSM community when visiting the LA area, and without this i could have made a fatal mistake. Thank you so much for speaking openly about your experiences. What Pent and Robin did to you is absolutely vile, your feelings and discomfort are 100% valid.

    Thank you for telling me and many others where not to explore❤️❤️


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